SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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School Rules

Rules of conduct

  1. We respect each other, each other’s property and our environment.
  2. We are jointly responsible for a good atmosphere and good conduct.
  3. We help each other where necessary.
  4. We all contribute to open communication: we solve problems by talking about them.
  5. We do not bully, threaten or ignore others.
  6. We believe that alcohol, drugs, weapons and gambling have no place at school.
  7. We believe that racism, discrimination and violence have no place.
  8. We stand for a positive attitude, correct behaviour and neat language.
  9. We always report theft, vandalism or violence to the police.
    In serious cases, we, the school, file a police report.
  10. We abide by the above rules of conduct and speak to others if they fail to do so.

Phone policy

Our policy is ‘At home or in the safe’. At Stedelijk College Eindhoven, this means that all mobile phones, smartwatches, tablets and other devices that allow you to control social media are no longer allowed to be used on school premises both indoors and outdoors.
We prefer that mobile phones and similar devices stay at home. If they are brought to school, we expect them to be stored in the lockers as soon as they arrive. After school, mobile phones and other devices may be taken out of the lockers again. Click here for the full policy on smartphone and smartwatch bans.

Equipment rules

During class (functional) use of earphones is allowed after permission from the teacher. We use Chromebooks during class and in school only for schoolwork.

Rules school grounds

Pupils of years 1, 2 and 3 always stay on the school grounds during school hours. These rules apply both in and around the school and during extracurricular activities, and also for the period immediately following school-organised activities.

Rules on study materials

Pupils in years 1, 2 and 3 always have a reading book with them. They may work on their homework or read. Pupils in the other years always have (reading) material with them to work independently, for instance during lesson breaks or during test hours.
It is a joint task of pupils and staff to observe these rules. Should any pupils break the rules, all staff have the authority to take appropriate action.

Rules for eating and drinking

Eating and drinking is allowed in the auditoriums and associated outdoor areas during breaks. We consider health important. Therefore, we do not eat fast food or large packs at school.